Midterm update
Well, we've been neglecting the Blog for the past two or three weeks. This doesn't mean, however, that we haven't been busy. In addition to Ken's teaching and writing, we've continued to explore Oxford and other nearby sites in Oxfordshire. The Trout Inn is one of Oxford's most famous pubs, located on the River Thames near Wolvercote, on the northwest edge of Oxford. We took a bus to Wolvercote, then walked the half mile or so to the river and the Inn.

The Thames runs fast as it passes the Trout, rushing down a small waterfall under the bridge there. The Inn has a lovely pub and dining room, and a very large outdoor terrace overlooking the river. We had delightful lunch in the dining room, and sat for a while admiring the view. Then we walked across the bridge and found the Thames Path, which follows the Thames all the way to London. We walked the 2 or 3 miles back to Oxford, enjoying a sunny afternoon and nice views of Oxford in the distance as we made our way down the river. Eventually, we crossed the river on a footbridge, then walked across Port Meadows and back to Oxford--an enjoyable hike on a bright day that held promise of the arrival of spring.
We've also been to Burford, a beautiful medieval town 20 miles or so from Oxford. We took a bus to the edge of town, where we'd booked a night in the Burford Lodge, a 19th-century hotel and restaurant. From there, we walked into the town, which is full of picturesque 16th-century buildings. Much of the town looks like the classic picture postcard view of an English town or village. The church dates from the 12th or 13th century, and bits of the oldest parts remain. The town is built down a long hill, running down to the Windrush River, a pretty little stream that flows past the churchyard and the lower side of the town. We found a couple of nice teashops and a pleasant pub, and pretty well walked the streets of the entire town.

Back in Oxford, we learned from friends that a city park called South Park is a good place to get a nice view of the Oxford skyline and the so-called "dreaming spires." So we took a bus there, then got off and walked up the hill to a place where we had a good perspective on the city. Our pictures aren't as good as the ones on the postcards, but we did enjoy seeing the city from the hillside.

The past weekend, we made a quick trip to the States, where Ken had a committee meeting in Atlanta. It was a short time for such a long trip, but the committee members are good friends, and it was great fun. Happily, we slept well both in Atlanta and our first night back in Oxford, so we didn't have the jet lag that often accompanies trans-Atlantic travel. We took Ken's picture, wearing a T-Shirt billing our friend Mike's band, The Pombear Originals, in front of some Georgia signs and landmarks, to show just how far the Pombears' reputation has traveled!

This weekend we're off to London, where we'll see the incomparable Judi Dench in Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream." We'll also take in a quilt exhibit at the Victoria & Albert Museum, and we'll see our friend Jonathan. We'll no doubt come up with some other activities as well--stay tuned for pictures and reports.
Cheers for now from the City of Dreaming Spires.